Breaking Down All The Myths About Steroids

Breaking Down All The Myths About Steroids

Different stories about steroids have been heard and shared and while some of them are true, most are misconceptions. Most people refer to steroids as an illegal substance packed with so many side effects and the question is: ‘Are they right’?

Well, the truth is that steroids may harm the human body but they are instrumental in certain health situations.

What are steroids?

Steroids are man-made substances that mimic male sex hormones to enable the growth and repair of muscle tissues and develop male sexual characteristics. Steroids are available in different forms, based on the manufacturer. Steroids can be manufactured in liquid, gel, powder, cream or tablet form.

5 Myths about Steroids

We have put together 5 of the most common opinions about the use of steroids. Some of these myths are true, while some are over-exaggerated and baseless. Here are some of the most common myths about steroids:

Steroids have severe side effects

Do steroids have side effects? Yes, steroids have side effects but they occur mostly when used excessively. Side effects are bound to happen when drugs are abused. As long as steroids are used based on prescriptions from professional health practitioners, they are safe.

Steroids are illegal because they are dangerous

While this is true to some extent, it is not entirely the case. Steroids became illegal when Ben Johnson’s Olympic victory was claimed to be based on the fact that he used steroids. During the investigation of the case, regulatory bodies like the FDA, AMA and the National Institute on Drug Abuse opposed categorising anabolic steroids as a class three substance. Despite their argument, steroids were still classified as common control substances and declared illegal. Steroids may be illegal in some areas, but you can still get them from some shops, including online shops. You can get steroids online in this shop in Canada and have them delivered to your location if you can’t get them in your area.

Steroids are addictive

This is a common perspective that is mostly based on the behaviour of those who abuse the substance. The behaviour of those who abuse steroids and that of drug addicts are similar. And just like drug addicts, the withdrawal symptoms for steroid abusers are dreadful. People mostly get addicted to steroids when they completely rely on the substance to achieve certain outcomes.

Steroids are abused by only a certain category of people

The use of steroids is mostly related to athletes and bodybuilders but it goes beyond them. Steroids can be abused by regular gym goers, those with jobs that require muscle work, men in the force and so on. Steroids are known to boost body mass, aid muscle repair and growth and enhance strength. Most users easily get addicted to steroids due to their effectiveness. The myth about steroids being abused only by certain kinds of people is wrong. Anyone can become a steroid abuser.

Steroids guarantee a competitive advantage

While steroids are known to aid in the growth, repair, and development of muscle tissues, and also enhance strength, they can not guarantee a competitive advantage. Competitions are won based on skills and fitness. You may be active due to the use of steroids, but a skilful and fit opponent can beat you to the finish line. Some people may not agree with this opinion.

There are several other myths like steroids are so illegal, compared to other class three substances, steroids are all the same, steroids are unsafe for human consumption, etc. According to some arguments, there is no proven research on the dangers of using steroids; however, many people find this argument un-acceptable.

Who can use steroids?

Steroids are illegal in most areas but exceptions are made for those in need of them for medical purposes. Steroids are prescribed for some health conditions like impotence, delayed puberty, and body-wasting in those suffering from AIDS. A patient found with steroids should be able to provide proof of prescription from a practicing health practitioner.


Steroids are illegal in most developed countries and are mostly referred to as a common control substance. Using steroids on your terms as against that of a doctor is highly risky and harmful. Generally, self-medication is bad, always ensure that you take drugs based on a doctor’s prescription. A steady intake of steroids can

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