Breaking Down All The Misconceptions About Being Vegan

Breaking Down All The Misconceptions About Being Vegan

In popular culture, many jokes about the vegan lifestyle have been made, especially over the past few years. Many of these jokes are an extension of the misunderstanding many people have had about vegetarian diets and veganism. If you don’t know anyone vegan, you might yourself have a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding these lifestyles. As for many things, stereotypes and misconceptions are often the result of a lack of knowledge of the subject. So, let’s try to take a look at some of those stereotypes and clear things up so you can know what veganism is truly about.

Vegan diets lack protein

This is by far one of the most common misconceptions about veganism that leads a lot of people to believe that vegans either can’t build muscle mass or are simply weak. The reality is that many vegan protein sources exist out there that help replace meat. For example, there is a wide range of vegan multivitamins that often include protein and vitamin b12 which are mostly provided by meat in omnivore diets. For those who prefer to avoid supplements, you can use simple foods like beans and lentils as a great source of protein. Tofu is also very much a great source of protein that allows you to make wildly varied meals while respecting your vegan diet.

Veganism is expensive

This is a pretty commonly shared idea and while it is not unfounded it is also not true. One of the biggest issues when it comes to the price of a vegan diet is the fact that veganism relies on plant products for the most part and in general a lot of plant products are not produced locally. Import costs can raise the price of a lot of vegetables and fruits especially currently following years of pandemic. The current inflation as well as the rise in the cost of living has made veganism more expensive but no more expensive than a normal diet. A lot of the costly items are often organically farmed or out of season but generally, you should be able to maintain your diet for a pretty reasonable price.

Veganism is for activists

While a lot of vegans are activists not all of them are. It’s important to understand that the reason why many vegans are activists is a lot of them become vegan as a response to how exploitative and cruel the meat industry can be. The rise of veganism can be directly linked to the general public learning more and more about the state of the red meat industry and how it treats animals. Despite all this, it’s important to understand that a lot of vegans are choosing this lifestyle not only because it is healthier for them but also because it can fit with their ethical code and general morals. While many people consider veganism to be a form of protest against the red meat industry it is not always the case for everyone.

Lack of diversity

For many years people considered tofu-based recipes to be incredibly bland and vegan cuisine to have a very real lack of diversity in its recipes. The reality of course is that as many people became vegan there has been a lot of room for experimentation which has led to a vast array of resources to create delicious vegan meals. That much becomes extremely true when you realize that some chefs are dedicating their craft to creating vegan cuisine and that there are many recipe books out there that promote veganism. This means that you can not only adopt a lifestyle that suits you better but keep eating delicious meals, nonetheless.

As you can see a lot of the stereotypes and misconceptions about veganism are totally unfounded or simply a representation of a small minority of vegans. If you are ever curious about how vegans eat you could always try out to one of their menu recipes online or from a cookbook. Even if you’re not vegan you might find that a lot of vegan meals are very good for your health as well as delicious alternatives to your usual recipes. Don’t be afraid to try them out and see if perhaps veganism is for you after all. Experimenting with food and different diets might be a great way for you to find a different lifestyle that suits you better or perhaps something that allows you to make positive changes in your life as a whole. So, they could deeper look into it and see if it’s for you.

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