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Work-life balance is a concept that requires maximum awareness, as a lack of implementation can lead to a handful of disadvantages for both employers and employees. Today, we live in

The Critical Importance Of A Healthy Work-Life Balance

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Can Gaming Really Help Combat Dementia?

Understanding Dementia Dementia is a touchy subject for a lot of people. It has become sadly all too common for someone to know a relative or loved one who has


The Power Of Massage: From Swedish To Fish Pedicures

There are many things South Korea is known for. K-Pop, amazing food, beautiful natural wonders, stunning architecture. But most people don’t know that South Korea is one of the massage


Clauses to Look Out For in your Health Insurance Policy

If you are someone that requires medical insurance, then you will know just how annoying it can be to find an insurance company with your best interest in mind. We


Understanding Influenza

Explore the fundamentals of influenza, including virus types, transmission methods, and typical symptoms. Gain essential knowledge to better understand flu impacts.

Current Outbreaks

Stay updated with the latest influenza outbreaks worldwide. This section provides real-time data, global health advisories, and analysis to keep you informed on flu trends.

Vaccination and Prevention

Discover the latest developments in flu vaccines and preventive measures. Learn about vaccine effectiveness, seasonal updates, and how to protect yourself and others during flu season.

Understanding Dementia Dementia is a touchy subject for a lot of people. It has become sadly all too common for someone to know a relative or loved one who has

Can Gaming Really Help Combat Dementia

The Critical Importance Of A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a concept that requires maximum awareness, as a lack of implementation can lead to a handful of disadvantages for both employers and employees. Today, we live in


Can Gaming Really Help Combat Dementia?

Understanding Dementia Dementia is a touchy subject for a lot of people. It has become sadly all too common for someone to know a relative or loved one who has


The Power Of Massage: From Swedish To Fish Pedicures

There are many things South Korea is known for. K-Pop, amazing food, beautiful natural wonders, stunning architecture. But most people don’t know that South Korea is one of the massage


Clauses to Look Out For in your Health Insurance Policy

If you are someone that requires medical insurance, then you will know just how annoying it can be to find an insurance company with your best interest in mind. We


Alternative Pain Killers That Are Proven To Be Effective!

Factors like illnesses, injuries, cramps, and others can cause pain. The way you manage the pain you feel determines the outcome. The most common pain management treatment is the use


5 Alternative Skincare Products You Need To Try

People are all too quick to overlook the importance of a good skincare routine. Our skin is one of our most important organs. It does so much for us. From


The Critical Importance Of A Healthy Work-Life Balance

The Critical Importance Of A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a concept that requires maximum awareness, as a lack of implementation can lead to a handful of disadvantages for both employers and employees.

Today, we live in a world where individuals work for more than 90 hours a week regularly. This practice is almost seen as a norm in most workplaces around the world, mainly because of the increased global hardship. Working for longer hours may seem like a sufficient way of life for now, but on the contrary, it causes more harm than good. Hence, there is a need for individuals and organizations to embrace the concept of work-life balance.

What Is Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance can be defined as the equilibrium point between the time spent working and other leisure activities mapped out based on the individual. In other words, it refers to an equal balance between work life and personal life.

As an individual, the need to find a balance between your work time, and personal life cannot be compromised. This is due to the consequences or effects lack of work-life balance can cause.

4 ways to Improve Work-Life Balance

  • Identify the causes of the stress

This is the first step to improving your work-life balance. Before finding the solution to a problem, you need to first figure out what causes it. Determining the issue will help you come up with the best solution to it.

  • Set boundaries

The first step to setting boundaries is knowing your rights. This will help you take a stance and say ‘no’ when prompted to do a job that is outside your assigned role. Do not allow your work to interfere with your personal time and vice versa.

  • Take breaks

Working without taking breaks, whether the job is studious or not, poses a health risk, both physically and mentally. Take daily breaks and even long-term breaks. Go on vacations from time to time to relax the body. The saying ‘all works and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ fully applies to this context. Overworking the body without rest will make you less active.

  • Reduce your workload

Know when to simply ask for help or apply different measures to ensure that your workload is less. Thanks to technology, you can now apply for a virtual assistant or use helpful tools to reduce your workload. There are many professional establishments created to provide services that are tailored to solve some work issues. Some difficult and delicate tasks like organising contracts and documentation, can be given to the professionals to handle. Most times, they have transcription services that are fully trusted and can drastically reduce the workload for offices.

Benefits Of Work-Life Balance

  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Improved Health
  • Enhanced focus
  • Reduced Stress
  • Improved personal relationships

An improved work-life balance comes with many benefits and positive results. Once you find a way to place the time spent at work and your personal life at equilibrium, you achieve most of your expectations. A reduced stress level leaves room for productivity, focus, and strong cognitive thinking. Maintaining a good work-life balance gives more room for individuals to maintain healthy living. With a clear mind and improved health, your level of engagement and personal relationships are bound to improve.

Effects Of Poor Work-Life Balance

  • Poor work performance
  • Increased stress
  • Health risk
  • Strained personal relationships

There is nothing wrong with working extra time once in a while or when you have a deadline, but doing it all the time indicates a poor work-life balance. The consequences of not being in control of your work-life are often grievous, hence the need to always ensure that balance is enforced, and maintained. Working too hard may seem like a better route to success but that is not the case. Working smarter pays more and it can be achieved with an improved work-life balance.


A properly established work-life balance enables flexibility between an individual’s work life and personal life. No matter how hard you try to combine both lives, they still end up clashing. This is because there needs to be boundaries between your work, and personal life. While you can not fully separate both lives, you can create a balance between them.

Can Gaming Really Help Combat Dementia?

Can Gaming Really Help Combat Dementia

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is a touchy subject for a lot of people. It has become sadly all too common for someone to know a relative or loved one who has slowly been lost to it. But most people don’t fully understand what dementia actually is. Assuming it is a singular condition. In reality dementia is the name given to a grouping of neurological conditions that impact different areas of the brain.

People also wrongly assume that dementia is a natural part of growing old. This isn’t true either. It is just more common in older people. But anyone can suffer from dementia. Which is why researchers around the globe are working tirelessly to better understand the different conditions that make up dementia. And, more importantly, how to deal with them.

There is no cure for dementia as it stands. But medical science has come a long way. We have a number of different medications and treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms. Recently there have been a number of interesting studies looking into the use of video games in relation to dealing with dementia symptoms. And the results are fascinating.

A Novel Environment

Back in 2020 a study was conducted entitled ‘Enriching hippocampal memory function in older adults through video games.’ Quite the mouthful to be sure. But their premise focused on the idea of what they called a novel environment. A novel environment is one that is filled with different novel sensory inputs. A good example of this would be to picture the difference between an empty bedroom and one that has been decorated with paintings, posters, bookshelves, and various trinkets. One is obviously going to be more appealing than the other.

The study suggested that people who can’t enter into novel environments, due to age or other limiting factors such as a lack of mobility, will experience greater cognitive decline. They also suggest that there needs to be a regular introduction of new novel environments too.

The study used one of the 3D mario games to test this theory. One group would play Mario while another would play a classic 2D version of solitaire. The results showed that the participants playing Mario experienced greater recognition memory. The study did note that 2D games are still viable for helping improve cognition as long as they are offering a more varied sensory environment.

This study has led a lot of doctors to start suggesting that older patients, or ideally anyone who lacks access to a range of novel environments, spend more time playing a lot of free online games or console games. Particularly those that provide players with a unique sensory experience that vastly differs from what is on offer in their daily lives.

Improving Mental Facilities

While that particular study was primarily focused on improving recognition memory in relation to the environment it isn’t the only aspect of dementia that is being studied in relation to video games. Recognition memory, while important, is not the only mental facility that needs to be maintained and strengthened to help prevent symptoms of dementia.

One of the lesser discussed symptoms of dementia is decreased motor function. This is often due to the fact that dementia is more common in the elderly. And people of an advanced age tend to have worse motor functions anyway due to the natural decline. But decreased motor function is often a brain issue, not a muscle issue.

Video games have been proven to be extremely effective at improving the motor cortex in the brain. The hand-eye coordination required to play video games effectively is an amazing way to increase fine moto skills. The process of having to memorize button inputs and their impact on the game is also a great memory exercise.

VR gaming has also become very popular in regards to helping people with dementia. There are a number of fitness focused games that can help people keep their body fit while also helping create a novel environment. VR technology is advancing year by year. And has very quickly moved out of just being a video game focused gimmick. It is even being used to help people who suffer from PTSD.

The Conclusion

Whenever studies like the one mentioned are conducted people like to quickly jump to conclusions. Assuming that this latest research path could be the ultimate end to dementia. But it is important to take the results garnered from these studies with a grain of salt.

Yes, video games can be useful in combatting dementia. Provided they are used in the right ways. But, like any preventative measure, they are not a cure. They are a coping tool. Albeit a very useful one. Gaming is often looked at under a negative light these days. But it holds a lot of potential for good in our world.

Clauses to Look Out For in your Health Insurance Policy

Clauses to Look Out For in your Health Insurance Policy

If you are someone that requires medical insurance, then you will know just how annoying it can be to find an insurance company with your best interest in mind. We are a lead generation, which means that we are always on the lookout for the best insurance companies to meet our needs and if you have been lucky enough to find an insurance lead, you may be excited to set up an account and get yourself protected.

Before you can commit to an insurance company, you must first take the time to read their terms and conditions. Within these terms and conditions you are likely to find clauses and here are some of the clauses you should look out for.

Pre and post hospital expenses

Something that you may not know is that your health insurance may either cover you on just pre or post hospitalisation expenses. This means that you may be covered on any doctors appointments but when it comes to actually going to hospital, you may not have the same coverage.

You should also not assume that everything medical related is covered by your medical insurance, as they will unfortunately take any step that they can in order to avoid paying out more money that you can. So if you take part in something like acupuncture or naturopathy, it is likely that your insurance will not cover the cost, even if you consider it to be a medical expense.

When it comes to pre and post hospital expenses , different insurance companies have periods between doctor and hospital treatments. So if you think that a set of treatment counts under the same claim, you may be wrong as the time between it may categorise it as two different points of treatment.  This may mean that you have additional premiums on top of your insurance, so you should look into this.

The waiting period

This clause is very often neglected when people first purchase their insurance and for this reason, people often forget that it exists.  Every time you purchase insurance, it comes with a waiting period. This means that you can not use your insurance straight away and if you experience any injury before your waiting period then you may have to pay for the bill out of your own money.

On top of having a waiting period for when you first purchase your insurance, there is also a waiting period between claims. This waiting period can be upwards of 60 days, so if you injure yourself several times within a small period of time you may not be covered and you will have to cover any of the expenses yourself, so be sure to check what the wait period is on whichever insurance agreement you make.

Insurance limits

When you purchase insurance, you may initially believe that you are completely covered on all injuries with your claim, but this really isn’t the case. Every insurance company has their limits and it would be impossible for them to be able to cover all injuries, as it would be too expensive.

If you are someone that has some serious health issues and you know that you will be dependent on your health insurance quite frequently. There are yearly limits on what your insurance company is willing to pay out and if you are frequently needing medical assistance, you will reach this limit quite quickly and may have to pay premiums to compensate for the extra care that you have needed .

Remember to always read the fine print when it comes to insurance, as you never know what has been hidden.

Alternative Pain Killers That Are Proven To Be Effective!

Alternative Pain Killers That Are Proven To Be Effective!

Factors like illnesses, injuries, cramps, and others can cause pain. The way you manage the pain you feel determines the outcome. The most common pain management treatment is the use of opioid medications. While opioid medications are proven to be effective, they have severe side effects. The best option for pain management is using non-opioid medications. These medications are referred to as alternative painkillers. You may experience side effects from most alternative painkillers if you abuse them.

Non-opioid Pain Management

Non-opioid pain management alternatives are effective and they have little or no side effects. Whether you are experiencing acute or chronic pain, there are several alternative pain management treatments you can use to reduce or stop the pain. Not all alternative pain management methods require medications. Read on to learn about the various alternative painkillers.

6 Alternative Effective Painkillers

Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Acetaminophen is the best painkiller for moderate pain or illness. This medication can relieve minor pains like headaches or slight fever. Acetaminophen is one of the safest painkillers available. Anyone can use it including pregnant women and infants. When taking acetaminophen, ensure that you do so according to its prescription. Acetaminophen is safe but it causes side effects when abused.


Asprin is a very popular painkiller that serves several purposes. It can relieve or reduce acute pains, reduce swellings, prevent blood clots, and treat fever. Asprin unlike acetaminophen is not for everyone as it may cause some side effects like heartburn, nausea, vomiting and others. Ensure that you take aspirins strictly based on prescriptions. It is not for infants or teens.

7OH (7-hydroxy mitragynine) Kratom Tablets

Kratom is an herbal substance with pain-relieving properties, making it an effective painkiller. The 7OH tablet is not as popular as other alternative painkillers on our list but it has been proven to be very effective. 7OH tablets are available in several medical stores and you can also order for them online. Like most painkillers, 7OH Kratom tablets may cause side effects especially when abused. Ensure that you take the tablets according to the directions.


Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to relieve pain and inflammation. It can also be used as a treatment for fever. Ibuprofen is best for relieving pains like menstrual cramps and muscle sores. You may experience some side effects but not as severe as the ones caused by asprins. Ibuprofen can cause severe kidney damage when abused. Always follow the directions of a health practitioner when using this drug.


Naproxen is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory painkiller. This is one of the medications that can be taken without a prescription, however, abusing it can cause severe health damage. The effect of Naproxen on the body can last for 8-12 hours. It is important to read the instructions carefully before taking this medication.


Therapy is a known pain-relieving treatment and it comes with several options. Therapy is the best pain management treatment as it has no side effects. Therapy pain management methods include:

  • Exercises: Several exercises can help relieve certain pains in the body. A professional in the field of pain management can help you with some of the best exercises that can relieve pain. Ensure that you do not overwork yourself.
  • Massage: Massaging is one of the oldest ways of releasing pain. The intensity of the message depends on the cause of the pain. A pain as minor as a headache may only require a little head massage in some specific areas. Muscle strains or dislocation may require intense massages.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is another alternative pain management treatment that has proven to be effective in several cases. Not all pain symptoms can be managed with physical therapy.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves inserting needles into certain parts of the body. This procedure can help interrupt pain signals which in turn, relieves pain. You can not administer acupuncture on yourself, always get it done by a professional.

There are other therapeutic pain management methods aside from the ones listed. Therapy is a delicate treatment that should be administered only by professionals.


Pain management is very important, especially for very severe cases. There are different types of pain and they each have their various treatments. Minor pains can be managed with over-the-counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen.

The best way to manage severe pains is by visiting your doctor. A headache is minor when the pain is not so intense and constant. A recurring headache requires the attention of a health practitioner and not an over-the-counter medication.

The constant intake of painkillers, whether they contain opioids or not, can cause some severe health damage. The best way to manage minor pains is by therapy, which includes exercising, massaging, acupuncture and other treatments. Try to consume as little medications as possible.

Breaking Down All The Myths About Steroids

Breaking Down All The Myths About Steroids

Different stories about steroids have been heard and shared and while some of them are true, most are misconceptions. Most people refer to steroids as an illegal substance packed with so many side effects and the question is: ‘Are they right’?

Well, the truth is that steroids may harm the human body but they are instrumental in certain health situations.

What are steroids?

Steroids are man-made substances that mimic male sex hormones to enable the growth and repair of muscle tissues and develop male sexual characteristics. Steroids are available in different forms, based on the manufacturer. Steroids can be manufactured in liquid, gel, powder, cream or tablet form.

5 Myths about Steroids

We have put together 5 of the most common opinions about the use of steroids. Some of these myths are true, while some are over-exaggerated and baseless. Here are some of the most common myths about steroids:

Steroids have severe side effects

Do steroids have side effects? Yes, steroids have side effects but they occur mostly when used excessively. Side effects are bound to happen when drugs are abused. As long as steroids are used based on prescriptions from professional health practitioners, they are safe.

Steroids are illegal because they are dangerous

While this is true to some extent, it is not entirely the case. Steroids became illegal when Ben Johnson’s Olympic victory was claimed to be based on the fact that he used steroids. During the investigation of the case, regulatory bodies like the FDA, AMA and the National Institute on Drug Abuse opposed categorising anabolic steroids as a class three substance. Despite their argument, steroids were still classified as common control substances and declared illegal. Steroids may be illegal in some areas, but you can still get them from some shops, including online shops. You can get steroids online in this shop in Canada and have them delivered to your location if you can’t get them in your area.

Steroids are addictive

This is a common perspective that is mostly based on the behaviour of those who abuse the substance. The behaviour of those who abuse steroids and that of drug addicts are similar. And just like drug addicts, the withdrawal symptoms for steroid abusers are dreadful. People mostly get addicted to steroids when they completely rely on the substance to achieve certain outcomes.

Steroids are abused by only a certain category of people

The use of steroids is mostly related to athletes and bodybuilders but it goes beyond them. Steroids can be abused by regular gym goers, those with jobs that require muscle work, men in the force and so on. Steroids are known to boost body mass, aid muscle repair and growth and enhance strength. Most users easily get addicted to steroids due to their effectiveness. The myth about steroids being abused only by certain kinds of people is wrong. Anyone can become a steroid abuser.

Steroids guarantee a competitive advantage

While steroids are known to aid in the growth, repair, and development of muscle tissues, and also enhance strength, they can not guarantee a competitive advantage. Competitions are won based on skills and fitness. You may be active due to the use of steroids, but a skilful and fit opponent can beat you to the finish line. Some people may not agree with this opinion.

There are several other myths like steroids are so illegal, compared to other class three substances, steroids are all the same, steroids are unsafe for human consumption, etc. According to some arguments, there is no proven research on the dangers of using steroids; however, many people find this argument un-acceptable.

Who can use steroids?

Steroids are illegal in most areas but exceptions are made for those in need of them for medical purposes. Steroids are prescribed for some health conditions like impotence, delayed puberty, and body-wasting in those suffering from AIDS. A patient found with steroids should be able to provide proof of prescription from a practicing health practitioner.


Steroids are illegal in most developed countries and are mostly referred to as a common control substance. Using steroids on your terms as against that of a doctor is highly risky and harmful. Generally, self-medication is bad, always ensure that you take drugs based on a doctor’s prescription. A steady intake of steroids can

Healthy Life: The Importance Of Decluttering Your Home

Healthy Life: The Importance Of Decluttering Your Home

It is no secret that our surroundings play a pivotal role in our physical and mental wellbeing. While we are in our homes we feel relaxed. Comfortable. While at work we feel focused or sometimes stressed. While at a nice restaurant with friends we will be happy and excited. Our environment is as vital to our health as breathing.

Which is why it is extremely important to ensure your home is a safe, serene, and orderly environment. Which brings us onto our topic of the day. Clutter. The accumulation of junk, dirt, old clothes, whatever it might be. A cluttered home can actually have a serious impact on your health. We are going to examine the dangers of a cluttered home and all the benefits of taking the steps towards decluttering.

A Dangerous Home

Clutter is defined as a collection of things lying about in an untidy state. Clutter can be anything from documents strewn about across your desk to a pile of dirty laundry sitting in the corner. And the impact clutter has on our health depends on what it is.

Let’s look at the most obvious health risk clutter presents. Trip hazards. Tripping over something is one of the most common forms of household injury. And this can be extremely dangerous. People have broken bones or suffered serious head injuries from falls in their own home.

Clutter can also lead to a number of illnesses. Most commonly caused by mold. Dirty laundry, unwashed plates and crockery, old tissues. All of these things are vectors for mold growth. Mold spores can lead to serious respiratory issues, fatigue, brain fog, and a range of other ailments.

Clutter also has an impact on your mental health as well. Studies have shown that our minds respond to the cleanliness and order of an environment. The adage that a clean and organized desk will help you focus is backed by science. Living in a cluttered environment can cloud your thoughts and lower your mood. So how can you go about decluttering your home?

Storage Solutions

Often our homes become cluttered slowly and without us ever even realizing. Primarily this is due to the constant addition of new items in our lives. Birthday presents, new clothes, new appliances, magazines. These things quickly pile up. So the first step is to find better storage solutions.

Most furniture stores offer amazing and compact storage solutions in a wide range of designs and sizes. These units often blend into your home’s decor seamlessly and will allow you to better avoid clutter.

You should also look at external storage solutions such as a storage unit. This is ideal if your home is full of old furniture that is taking up space. The first step is to ask yourself what size self storage unit do i need? For furniture you will need a larger unit. But, if you’re just storing old magazines and clothes, you could easily get away with a smaller one.

Throw Things Away

Humans have a rare ability to develop sentimental attachments to inanimate objects. It is one of the things that separates us from animals. But these attachments can often lead to hoarding. The truth is a lot of the clutter around your home could easily be thrown away and it wouldn’t have a negative impact on your life.

The first step in this process is sorting your old objects into three categories. Objects you use often. Objects you use on special occasions. And objects you haven’t used in over six months. As you can likely guess the third category will be thrown away. But it doesn’t have to all go in the trash. Consider hosting a yard sale or donating it to charity.

Throwing away old objects has been proven to have a positive impact on your health. Think of it as a form of therapy. As you get rid of physical items you will find your mind becoming clearer and more focused. Sort of like letting go of bad memories. It also opens your mind up to new possibilities too. You have created space in your home and your life for new things. A chance to form new attachments.

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